New Delhi: Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Thursday ordered the suspension of four labour department officials over irregularities in work and also issued a show cause notice to a supervisory officer. Taking cognisance of the complaints being received about the Ashok Vihar Labour Department office, Sisodia, who also holds the labour department portfolio, reached the office for a surprise inspection on Thursday, said a government statement.
During the inspection, he found many irregularities in the official records and directed the suspension of four officials with immediate effect. Besides, a supervisory officer was issued a show cause notice, the statement said. The Kejriwal government has a zero tolerance policy for any kind of corruption. Strict action will be taken against those who would try to deceive people, delay government works and mess up with government records," he said.
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The deputy CM also checked the records of the claim branch in the office, where he allegedly found several irregularities in the entry and dispatch registers. Many of the contact numbers of beneficiaries were also found wrong, when he called them, the statement said. He said that there are currently about 10 lakh registered construction workers in Delhi, and various benefits are being provided to them by the government. PTI