New Delhi: The CBI could not find a single penny from Manish Sisodia's residence during the 14-hour raid, and couldn't recover the expenses of the raid, said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. He also said, "LG has now started probing in our schools; they want to stop good work being done in schools, hospitals."
The raid continued for 14 hours but not a single penny was found. No jewelry was found, no cash was found, no documents of any land or property were found and no incriminating document was found. It was a false raid states Kejriwal. Vested interests are now trying to topple the Delhi government as they toppled several governments in the country to date - Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam, MP, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Meghalaya. "There is a serial killer in the city who is committing one murder after the other. People choose a Government and they topple it", adds Kejriwal. (with Agency inputs)