New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday addressed the top brass of the Indian Air Force (IAF) attended during their commanders' conference to discuss the security situation along the northern and western borders of the country.
The top brass of the Indian Air Force is sitting together from today for the next three days to discuss the situation on the borders with China and Pakistan during the commanders' conference, IAF officials told earlier.
This is also the first commanders' conference presided over by Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari who took over as chief on October 1 last month.
The meeting of the top commanders is also taking place soon after the Indian Army and Air Force carried out a major airborne exercise carrying out drills of inserting special forces and airborne troops in high altitude areas in Ladakh.
The Indian forces carried out the drills soon after the Chinese military carried out drills on their side of the LAC.
The Indian Air Force has actively been involved in the stand-off with China as its forward deployments right after the conflict started last year deterred the Chinese from carrying out any type of misadventure there.
The IAF chief had himself also flown sorties in the MiG-29 fighter jets which have been in Forward Area deployment since May-June last year.