Hyderabad: Union Minister for Tourism and Culture G Kishan Reddy said that the credit for bringing recognition to yoga all over the world goes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was speaking at the Yoga Utsav 2022 held at the LB Stadium in Hyderabad. Union Minister Sharbananda Sonowal, along with the Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan participated in the event. To mark the World Yoga Day on June 21, as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, programmes are being held in various places 100 days in advance. Yoga festivals are also being held at 75 locations across the country, including Australia and the United States.
Also read: Make yoga integral part of life: PM Modi
The Yoga Day will be celebrated on June 21 at Tank bund in Hyderabad. Meanwhile, the Union Minister invited the people of Hyderabad, NGOs, employees and all other people to participate in the Yoga Day celebrations. Along with Union Ministers and Governor, BJP MLAs, Badminton player Saina Nehwal, cricketer Mithali Raj, Tollywood actress Lavanya Tripati and Movie Artists Association president Manchu Vishnu attended the event. The attendees, including political, movie, and sportspersons, performed yoga on the occasion.