Palghar (Maharashtra): A court in Palghar district of Maharashtra on Wednesday adjourned till January 13 the hearing on the bail plea of TV actor Sheezan Khan, arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of his co-actor Tunisha Sharma. Sharma (21), who had acted in the TV show Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul' along with Khan, was found hanging in the washroom on the set of the Hindi serial near Vasai, located on the outskirts of Mumbai, on December 24, 2022. The late actor was in a relationship with Khan but they broke up later.
Khan (28) was arrested on December 25 by the Vasai police on the charge of abetting the suicide of Sharma. On Wednesday, advocate Tarun Sharma, representing complainant Vanita Sharma, opposed the bail application saying the offence was a serious one. Khan's lawyers Shailendra Mishra and Sharad Rai requested the court to grant bail to the actor, currently lodged in the Thane Central Jail, saying the abetment of suicide charge was not applicable in this case. Additional sessions court judge RD Deshpande adjourned the hearing till January 13, when Khan's bail plea is likely to be decided. (PTI)