Mumbai: The police officials in Mumbai have tightened security at the residences and offices of rebel Shiv Sena MLAs in the wake of the resignation of Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray. The rebel MLAs led by Eknath Shinde are expected to reach Mumbai on Thursday morning. A chartered flight carrying them landed at the Dabolim airport in Goa on Wednesday night. They are currently staying in a five-star hotel at Dona Paula near Panaji.
Also read: 'Let them rejoice': Uddhav Thackeray resigns as Maharashtra Chief Minister
Police are on the alert to avoid any untoward incident across Maharashtra following the resignation of Uddhav Thackeray, an official said. "Security at the residences and offices of rebel MLAs has been increased. Police personnel and SRPF have been deployed at all the important locations," the official informed.
Police fear that Shiv Sena cadres will come out on the streets to stage protests against the rebel Shiv Sena MLAs, though CM Uddhav Thackeray specifically urged in his speech for the party supporters to keep calm and not take to the streets to protest. The security has however tightened accordingly to secure a safer side. (With Agency Inputs)