Lucknow: The National Spokesperson of Congress party, Pawan Khera, lambasting UP CM Yogi Adityanath and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said the PM is unable to save his own children (those stuck in war-torn Ukraine) and he is trying to project himself as Vishwa Guru (World Leader). "Yesterday, I watched a video on social media. At least 1173 people from Uttar Pradesh are stuck in war-ravaged Ukraine. Modiji said among those stuck, 250 are children. The PM didn't take care of his own children and is trying to become Vishwa Guru (world leader)."
Khera while briefing media persons at Congress headquarters, fired a volley of questions at UP CM Yogi Adityanath, seeking the latter's reply. "I want to know from Yogi Adityanath---Shall we forget scores of children died in Gorakhpur. Human corpses had been found floating on the Ganga River. When will the lanes of Bhairon Temple and Mata Mandir be widened," asked Pawan Khera.
Reminding about the promises to farmers, the Congress spokesperson, said, "In 2022, the government had promised to farmers that their income would be doubled. Not a single farmer's income was doubled. Now, stray animals have become a major problem in UP. Take training in governance from Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan."
On Yogi Adityanath's assurance to give jobs to people of the state, Khera said, "Not a single industry was set up in Uttar Pradesh. On the other hand, prices of petrol, diesel, and other commodities are hitting the roof."