New Delhi: The Congress party, on Wednesday, released a list of 5 candidates for the ensuing Goa Assembly elections, which are scheduled for next month. This includes the name of Delailah Lobo from Siolim, Kedar Naik from Saligao, Carlos Alvares Ferreira from Aldona, Dinesh Jalmi from Priol, and Moreno Rebello from Curtorim.
This is the fifth list of the Congress party. Out of the 40 seats, Congress has named its candidates for 31 seats.
In the first list of candidates for Goa Assembly elections, Congress had announced its eight contenders, including Digambar Kamat, Aleixo Reginaldo Lourenco, Sudhir Kandolkar for Mapusa constituency, Tony Rodrigues for Taleigao, Rajesh Verenkar for Ponda, Sankalp Amonkar for Mormugao, Yuri Alemao for Cuncolim and Altone D’Costa for Quepem.
In the second list of candidates, Congress has named Jitendra Gaonkar, Rodolf Louis Fernandes, Rajesh Faldessai, Manisha Shenvi Usgaonkar, Viriato Fernandes, Olencio Simoes and Avertano Furtado.
In its third and fourth list, Congress listed out 11 candidates, including Antony Fernandes for St Andre constituency, where a vacuum was being created after sitting MLA Francis Silveira joined BJP in 2019.
Congress has also ruled out the possibilities of getting into an alliance after it rejected the offer made by Shiv Sena and the Nationalist Congress Party. Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, on Wednesday, said that Congress leaders think they can get the majority on their own.