New Delhi: Minister of State for Uttar Pradesh Sanjeev Kumar Goud on Tuesday took a jibe at oppositions saying that when they were in the government they did not do anything for the state and now they are criticising Yogi Aditya Nath-led BJP government. He made the statement while speaking to ETV Bharat after Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 341 km long Purvanchal Expressway in Sultanpur district's Karwal Kheri on Tuesday.
The BJP leader further lashed out at the opposition saying that the Yogi government has worked for the development in the state which was neglected by the opposition during their tenure.
Speaking about the upcoming state assembly polls scheduled to be held in 2022, MLA from Obra Vidhansabha of Sonbhadra district said that the Yogi government has done a lot of work during its five years tenure and the saffron party will seek votes on it. Inauguration of the expressway is not only for the votes but it is a part of the government's development scheme.
The 341-km long Purvanchal Expressway begins from Chaudsarai village in Lucknow district on Lucknow-Sultanpur road (NH-731) and ends at Hydaria village located on the National Highway 31, which is around 18 km east of the UP-Bihar border.
He also expressed confidence that the BJP will once again form government in the state and said that it's the job of the opposition to criticise the ruling party.
Also Read: PM Modi inaugurates 341-km long Purvanchal Expressway in Uttar Pradesh