Dantewada: A minor boy has been arrested by Dantewada police on Friday for killing his newly-born child by drowning him in a pond. The incident was reported in Upet village under the Barsur police station area in the Dantewada district. As per police information, on May 21, a missing report of a 45-day-old newborn was filed by the family members. When police launched a probe into the matter they discovered that child's minor father has committed the crime.
Police revealed that the accused planned the murder by watching YouTube. First, he himself kidnapped the child and hid him under a culvert outside the village. On the next day, he reached the spot and threw the child into a nearby pond. To mislead the family members, he concocted a fake story by putting hen's blood on the child's cloth and throwing it near his house, to make people believe that the child was taken away by some wild animal.
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Dantewada SP Siddharth Tiwari said, "From the evidence we got, it seemed like a suspicious case. During the course of the investigation, we got to know about the conspiracy hatched by the accused. Both the accused and his wife are minors, as they got married young. Soon after the marriage, the accused was blessed with a child but he was unhappy and carried out the heinous crime."
The accused has been arrested after registering an FIR under relevant sections, SP said further.