Chandigarh: Obsessed with VIP registration plates, a man in Chandigarh has spent more than Rs 15 lakh to get such a number for his Honda Activa scooter costing just Rs 71,000.
Brij Mohan, 42, from Sector-23 of Chandigarh is in the advertising business. He has recently bagged a fancy number plate in an auction organized by the Chandigarh Registration and Licensing Authority. He paid Rs 15.44 lakh to acquire the vehicle number CH01-CJ-0001. Mohan said that he is planning to use it for his car in the future.
"I will use the number for my Activa, which I recently bought but eventually, I will use it for the car," he said. The number plate that Mohan bought was a part of the auction of various fancy vehicle numbers for the new series CH01-CJ. The auction process was conducted from April 14 to April 16. According to an official of the Chandigarh Licensing Authority, 378 number plates were auctioned which fetched a total of Rs 1.5 crore.
Also read: Maharashtra: First BH series number plate issued to govt employee