Haridwar: The Central government has finally handed over the command of the Bharatiya Shiksha Board (BSB) to Baba Ramdev's Patanjali Yogpeeth Trust. Baba Ramdev said that the Modi government at the Centre has done another historic task by approving the establishment of a Vedic School. He said that in 1835, Lord Macaulay sinned with the education system of India, which now will be revamped through the BSB.
The idea of establishing a new National School Board on the lines of CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) for 'Swadeshikaran' of education was first put forward by Swami Ramdev in 2015. The yoga guru through his Haridwar-based Vedic Education Research Institute (VERI) appealed to the Centre to set up a School Board to help Indianise the education system by offering a blend of 'Maharishi Dayanand's ancient education and modern education. At that time, the Ministry of Education rejected Baba Ramdev's proposal to form a private School Board.
Baba Ramdev has expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for establishing the BSB. Baba Ramdev shared, "The approval came and I feel proud to tell you Indian culture and traditions will be imbibed in children and we will create young leaders, who will lead not only India, but also the whole world."