New Delhi: In the backdrop of increasing incidents of people working in the security forces falling into a honey trap and divulging sensitive information related to the security of the country to spies, the Central Police Forces issued warnings to their personnel. Central Police Forces issued important instructions to their personnel. They warned not to engage in online friendships and not to post reels on social media. It is stated that due posting of reels and photos, the threat of honey traps has been increasing and sensitive information may reach the enemy.
Recently, in the probe carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency, it was found that some personnel in uniform are sharing their videos on social media. Also, the agencies have found they have been sharing photos taken in sensitive locations and sending friend requests online. A letter has been dashed off to the Central Paramilitary and Police Forces by the Central Intelligence Agency in that regard.
Also read: J&K Police busts honey-trap racket in Kashmir, two women among four arrested
Alerted by this, the police forces issued orders to their personnel. It has been clarified that videos and photos in uniform should not be posted on social media and friendships with unknown people should not be made online. Violation of these guidelines will result in severe disciplinary action. CRPF, BSF and ITBP personnel have received these orders.
Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora has also issued similar warnings to his forces. "Don't use social media while on duty. Do not post sensitive information. Don't do reels and videos in uniform. Do not take videos of high-security areas and celebrities," he warned.
These orders have been issued in the wake of increasing incidents of people working in the security forces divulging sensitive information related to national security.