Guwahati: A 20-year-old B.Tech student, native of AP's East Godavari district, studying at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati ended his life in his hostel room on Sunday. The police who rushed to the spot identified the deceased as Gudla Mahesh Sairaj, who resided in room C-314 of Lohit Hostel but he was founding hanging in room number D-360 of the same hostel.
Also read: Kashmiri girl student died by suicide at Mewar University hostel
The police who started investigating the case were informed that the student was recently punished by the hostel authorities and went missing for a few days before this incident.
Earlier, another 20-year-old B.Tech student, Surya Narayan Prem Kishore, committed suicide at IIT Ghuwati's Umiam Hostel on September 17.