New Delhi: The duality of the situation ahead of Uttar Pradesh polls in 2022 perfectly came to light on Wednesday, when the BJP National President, accompanied by chief ministers of several BJP-ruled states, toured Ayodhya after reaching from Kashi, while Opposition parties assembled in the parliament, demanding in unison the immediate resignation of Mishra.
Jagdambika Pal, a BJP MP from Uttar Pradesh, said in a special interview to ETV Bharat that BJP's activities in UP were testament to the fact that the party was not trying to send a message, but instead a commitment to the country.
He did not, however, provide a direct answer to whether he felt taking actions on Teni would cost BJP precious Brahmin votes, reiterating instead that the Modi government had come to power in 2014 in the name of good governance, and captured UP in 2017 using the same idea.
Also read: SKM to intensify its movement demanding action against Mos Ajay Mishra
"Punishing criminals is the job of the court. Despite that the farmers have filed an FIR. If the matter is already in court, why is it being politicised? Why is Rahul Gandhi obstructing parliament proceedings?", he retorted when questioned regarding the issue.
Highlighting the work done by BJP government in UP, Pal listed out the projects undertaken by the BJP government in the state.
"We are committed to the citizens. We have the same level of commitment for both the country and Uttar Pradesh. When the BJP government first came to power in the state, there were only 12 medical colleges. Now there are 69 medical colleges. On November 25, the CM gifted the state with nine more medical colleges.", Pal said.
Taking the example of highways, roads, AIIMS and six international airports as infrastructural projects completed under the UP government, he stated that there were no indication that BJP government in the state was lagging in any area.
"The Kashi Vishwanath corridor was supposed to be completed by 2022 after the Kashi board's establishment in 2018, but work was completed in a matter of 33 months", the MP said, referring to the speedy completion to the project.
2022, Pal said, would see BJP returning to power in Uttar Pradesh with the biggest vote share so far.