New Delhi: A day after Congress leader Sachin Pilot said that he was not joining the BJP and some people were spreading rumours to malign his image, veteran party leader Kapil Sibal on Thursday hit out at him saying it seems that the MLAs in Haryana's Manesar are on vacation and asked what about 'ghar wapasi' (coming back).
"False rumours spread to malign. Pilot: 'I am not joining BJP'. I guess then legislators at a hotel in Manesar is merely a vacation in Haryana's comfort zone under BJP's watchful eye. What about 'ghar wapsi'?" Sibal said in a tweet mocking at Pilot.
Also read: Fight is not Sachin Pilot vs Ashok Gehlot, the fight is between old and new
Sibal's remarks came a day after Pilot told media that he had no plans to join the Bharatiya Janata Party and alleged that some people were spreading false rumours to malign his image in the eyes of the senior leadership. On Tuesday, Congress sacked Pilot as both Rajasthan PCC chief and Deputy Chief Minister for leading the rebellion against the leadership of Ashok Gehlot.
Sibal was the first person in Congress to raise the red flag amid the crisis over the survival of its government in Rajasthan."Worried about our party. Will we wake up only after the horses have bolted from our stables?" the former Union Minister tweeted. The party faced its second political crisis within months of a revolt led by Jyotiraditya Scindia in Madhya Pradesh, which ousted the Kamal Nath government in that state.
IANS report