New Delhi: The BJP on Friday said that the video clips of the Balakot strike shown by the Indian Air Force (IAF) were evidence of the incident.
Speaking to the ETV Bharat, BJP's National Spokesperson Baijayant Panda said that people of the country were satisfied with the action taken by the IAF but Congress was raising questions asking for evidence and it can be a 'big evidence' for them.
"Opposition parties, including Congress, and Pakistan had asked for evidence. These video clips are evidence enough that the IAF crossed the border and attacked terror camps that were being run by Pakistan in Balakot," Panda said.
"Our soldiers took revenge for Pulwama attack," he added.
Talking about the RBI cutting the repo rate by 25 basis points, the BJP leader said that it was a 'basic economics' and would help in bringing down inflation.
He said that the government was taking steps to boost the country's economy.
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