Hyderabad: The Telangana police on Monday arrested a realtor and local leader of the ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi in Moinabad under the Nirbhaya Act following the death of his maid under suspicious circumstances at his house. Police have booked Bathuku Madhusudan alias Madhu Yadav under Nirbhaya Act and Juvenile Justice Act.
Following protest by local residents in Moinabad near Hyderabad demanding action against Yadav, police swung into action to arrest him. The 44-year-old was produced before a court, which sent him to judicial custody. According to police, the 20-year-old woman had allegedly died by suicide on September 25 at Yadav's house in Himayat Nagar village.
According to N. Prakash Reddy, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Shamshabad, on a complaint by the victim's elder sister, police booked the accused for abetment to suicide and assault by outraging modesty. The two sisters have been working in Yadav's house since childhood. The complainant alleged that for the last several days Madhu Yadav was harassing the deceased and her sister at night.
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She told police that on the night of September 24 when they were asleep, Madhu Yadav came to her sister and took her sister to the second floor on the pretext of some work. The complainant said it was around 4 am when she woke up and found her hanging from the ceiling fan.
The accused tried to pressure the complainant to tell police that the victim hanged herself as she was unable to bear stomach pain. The complainant told police that he used to frequently harass her due to which she might have committed suicide. "Based on her statement, the accused is arrested under Nirbhaya Act (376(2)(K) IPC) and child labour law (Section 75 Juvenile Justice Act)," the police said. According to police the accused has the record of bad conduct at Moinabad police station and was previously involved in three cases, all related to land disputes.
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