Mumbai: Shiv Sena's mouthpiece, Saamana, on Wednesday in an apparent reference to Kangana Ranaut, said the Union Home Ministry's decision to provide her security is unfortunate as the actor had 'insulted' Mumbai by comparing it to Pakisthan Occupied Kashmir
Comparing Mumbai to 'Pak Occupied Kashmir' and insulting the khaki uniform by calling the Mumbai police a mafia are signs of a deteriorated mentality. Insulting the 11 crore Marathi people of Maharastra and Mumbai seems like a crime like treason. But when the Union Ministry of Home Affairs of the Modi government stands with people committing such crimes, our 108 martyrs, who laid their lives for retaining Mumbai as the capital of Maharashtra will be shedding tears in heaven ", Shiv Sena said in Saamana.
"If any person arrogantly challenges the Chief Minister of Maharastra, then the whole of Maharastra should unite against it. The Bharatiya Janta Party is directly supporting those who insult Mumbai and the Chief Minister of the State", it added. The Shiv Sena further said that insulting Mumbai is equivalent to making derogatory statements against Mumbai Devi, the Goddess of Mumbai.
'Mumbai is the offering of Goddess 'Mumba Devi'.A Koli named Munga established this Goddess, hence her name was first named 'Mungachi Aai' and 'Maha Ambai'.Some say that Mumbai is the form of 'Mrunmayi'.Our goddess was insulted by comparing her with 'Pakistan Occupied Kashmir'.Hindutva and culture, religion and renunciation of 108 martyrs were insulted and by doing such insult, the Central government is giving respect to the guard of special protection to the person who insulted Maharastra", it said.
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"The names of those who insult the mother of 'Mumbai' will be written with asphalt in the history of Maharastra", it added.
Shiv Sena further attacked BJP and said it would have focussed on the Indo -China situation rather than standing with the opposers of Maharastra.
"Today, BJP men are standing with the opposers of Maharastra, the same faith should have been shown against Chinese. Then the country would not have been insulted on the border of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh", it said
Also read: Kangana Ranaut's tests negative for coronavirus, leaves for Mumbai