New Delhi: HRD Secretary R. Subrahmanyam said that the security of Kashmiri students will be of utmost priority for every university across the country.
Security of Kashmiri students is priority for every university: HRD Secretary
HRD Secretary R. Subrahmanyam said that the security of Kashmiri students will be of utmost priority for every university across the country.
R. Subrahmanyam
New Delhi: HRD Secretary R. Subrahmanyam said that the security of Kashmiri students will be of utmost priority for every university across the country.
New Delhi, Feb 22 (ANI): HRD Secretary R. Subrahmanyam said that the security of Kashmiri students will be of utmost priority for every university across the country. He said, "We have issued an unambiguous communication to UGC to issue clear directions to all the universities across the country to ensure that the security of a student is our utmost priority". Responding to the news of expulsion of seven students in a university of Uttarakhand, he said that VC of the university has stated that there is no threat to any student.