Bengaluru: With the three-week lockdown extended by 18 days, Karnataka Health Minister B Sriramulu on Tuesday insisted on following social distancing to prevent the coronavirus spread.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the second phase of lockdown for 18 days from April 15 to May 3 to contain the COVID-19 pandemic from spreading," tweeted Sriramulu in Kannada.
The minister urged the people to follow the law more carefully than before.
The 21-day first phase of the lockdown was in force from March 24 midnight to April 14 across the country.
Echoing Sriramulu, Medical Education Minister K. Sudhakar said the lockdown had been extended until May 3, keeping in view the virus control, spread and the prevailing conditions.
"All things considered, the lockdown has been scheduled to be extended until May 3. #Lockdown2. The roadmap will be released tomorrow (Wednesday," tweeted Sudhakar in Kannada.
Also, read: Observe extended lockdown with full determination: Nadda