New Delhi: India is hosting the Second Lead Author Meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III Sixth Assessment Report at New Delhi, beginning 30th September to 4th October 2019.
Speaking at a press briefing on Monday, Secretary, Ministry of Environment Forest &Climate Change (MoEFCC), CK Mishra dwelt upon the challenges and viable solutions to climate change.
He also pointed out that IPCC authors and scientists are working to deliver the most relevant and up-to-date research on climate change mitigation.
"Reduction of coal consumption is not a one-day process. Coal-based plants will continue using coal but a long term plan is in place to reduce its consumption," said Mishra.
He further added that the demand for electricity in India will continue to rise due to which coal cannot be banned completely.
Jim Skea, Co-Chair of Working Group III highlighted the role of the Sixth Assessment Report.
He said, “Building on previous Working Group III assessments, this report will emphasize what can be done in the near term to mitigate climate change, and how mitigation actions can be enabled through policy, institution-building and finance”.
IPCC Working Group III is preparing the sixth assessment report for which 200 scientists have been selected to participate. Out of those scientists, 12 are Indians.
The Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) will examine topics such as the link between consumption and behaviour and greenhouse gas emissions, and the role of innovation and technology.
The report will assess the connection between short to medium-term actions and their compatibility with the long-term temperature goal in the Paris Agreement.
It will assess mitigation options in sectors such as energy, agriculture, forestry and land use, buildings, transport and industry.
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