New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Thursday said that certain elements who do not want to see peace in India have been trying to use its borders with Nepal and Bhutan to enter the nation.
Addressing the 56th Raising Day of the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) in New Delhi, Shah said that India enjoys very cordial relations with Nepal and Bhutan.
"However, certain elements, who do not want to see peace in India, have been trying to use these two borders to enter the country," he said.
The SSB guards the Indo-Nepal and the Indo-Bhutan borders.
The Home Minister also asserted that India's 130 crore people are sleeping peacefully because the border guarding forces are protecting the country and serving in a hostile environment where the temperature ranges from minus 37 degrees Celsius to 46 degrees Celsius.
Shah said that the Narendra Modi government will make sure within one to one-and-half years that jawans of all border guarding forces get to spend at least 100 days with their children and families.
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