New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted searches in Tamil Nadu on Thursday in connection with an ongoing case of distributing cash to voters in the Parliamentary election of the Vellore constituency.
An amount of over Rs 11 crores was seized on April 1, 2019 days before the Lok Sabha polls on Vellore seat. Later, the election was cancelled.
"Reliable information was received to the effect that the Income Tax department had conducted a search at the residence of Damodaran, Karigiri Road, Pallikuppam Railway Gate, Katpadi on 01.04.2019 and seized an amount of Rs. 11.48 Crores.
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One Srinivasan, No. 10, Subramani Kovil Street, Keel Mottur, Pallikuppam, Katpadi, Vellore, who is a brother in law of Damodaran claimed the seized cash as his own and informed that the amount was meant for distribution to voters in the Vellore Parliamentary Constituency during the Parliamentary Election which was to be held on 18.04.2019," CBI said.
An FIR was registered against D Kathir Anand and others at Katpadi Police Station for the offence under section 125A (1) of the Representation of People Act, 1951 and Section 171(E) and 171(B) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) relating to the distribution of cash to voters.
(ANI Report)