Patna: Bihar Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Jagdanand Singh on Friday said that allies in the state can join them in the campaign to defeat the BJP and save the democracy but the party will not wait for anyone.
"RJD has many responsibilities like defeating the BJP, defeating the rioters, saving the constitution and protecting the rights of the poor people. We will not wait for anyone," Singh told media.
He said that if the ally parties are willing to fight for the cause, they can join them, but the RJD cannot afford to wait for anyone.
Singh's comments come amid reports of a rift in the grand alliance in Bihar.
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"We are committed to working for the people. We are not here only to contest the elections, but to fight to save the constitution and democracy of the country as well. We are going for the election with this idea," Singh said.
"We cannot get stuck in dialogue as we have too many responsibilities. We have been struggling and we will continue to do so. We are inviting everyone to come together but we cannot wait for anyone," he added.
Singh said that the RJD has been defeating the BJP in the past and can do it in the future as well.
"Didn't we defeat them in the years 1995 and 2000? Yes, they have spread lies and broke the unity of the people in the country. BJP is losing everywhere. It was Bihar that showed that the BJP is not undefeatable," Singh said. He said that party leader Tejashwi Yadav will lead the party into assembly elections.
Also Read: Only Sonia Gandhi can say, Akhilesh Singh on JDU and Cong alliance