Mangaluru: In yet another case of moral policing, the Bajrang Dal activists tried to assault a youth and a girl belonging to different communities near Kottara Chowki. A girl was found in the company of a youth belonging to another community around Saturday midnight when the Bajranga Dal activists intercepted and questioned them, police said.
The youth and the girl told the activists that they had come to a city hotel to have dinner and were returning. However, the activists did not believe their version and tried to assault them. At this juncture, Urwa police personnel rushed to the spot and brought the situation under control. A few Bajrang Dal activists were taken into custody by the police and later released.
The couple also left after telling the details to the police. Moral policing has been on the rise in the city and three incidents of assault have been reported during the last one week.
In a previous incident, the Police arrested four Bajrang Dal activists in connection with the case of moral policing that took place in a jewelery shop in the city on Dec 6. Shibin, Ganesh, Prakash and Chetan, who are arrested, are found to be Bajrang Dal activists. They recently rushed into a jewelery shop at Kankanadi in the city and assaulted a youth.
Their allegation was that a young woman working in a jewelery shop was riding a bike with a youth who belongs to another community. At that time, a complaint was filed against Bajrang Dal activists at Kadri police station.