Lucknow: Four days after the incident, the Lucknow police on Wednesday arrested the main accused of the gang rape of an 18-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow. The accused has been identified as Imran, an auto driver.
Police got information that Imran was in the Kathota Lake area of Gomti Nagar. After this, the police already present there were alerted. While passing by Kathota lake, Imran tried to escape from there when he saw the police on the spot. When the police chased him, Imran started firing. In retaliatory firing, Imran got shot in the leg.
DCP East Prachi Singh said, "A pistol and cartridges have been recovered from Imran. Pamphlets including photographs were distributed for Imran's arrest. The encounter between the police and the accused took place around 3:30 am on Wednesday. During this, the crime team and the team of Vibhuti police station were present."
Also read: A woman gang-raped by an auto-driver and his associates in Lucknow
Police said, "Imran is a resident of Bahraich and works as an auto driver under the Vibhuti Khand police station area of the capital. It was he who kidnapped the girl in his auto and raped her with his aide."
The police have already arrested Akash, who was assisting the main accused Imran. Imran forcibly took the girl in his auto from near Kathota lake and took her to the bushes behind the Palacio Mall, where she was gang-raped for three hours. After that, the accused escaped leaving the victim in a state of unconsciousness at the Husdia crossroads.
The police started the action by registering an FIR at the Vibhuti Khand police station. However, the police soon succeeded and Akash was arrested within 24 hours. At the same time, the second accused Imran was arrested in a police encounter. Imran is currently admitted to the hospital.