New Delhi: Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra on Thursday said authorized polling agents of various political parties would be able to enter counting centers across the five states.
"Vote counting is a transparent process. Counting is conducted under a standard procedure. Authorized polling agents of parties are allowed to come inside the counting center," Chandra said.
Chandra's comments come in the backdrop of allegations of inconsistencies by opposition parties in recent days, as incidents such as ballot papers being found inside a garbage truck, and transporting of EVMs without proper procedure, have recently marred the electoral process.
"Wherever violations were detected, they led to FIRs being filed in connection with the cases. Roughly, 2270 FIRs of this nature have been filed so far for both MCC (Model Code of Conduct) violations as well as COVID protocol violations.
"There is no question of EVM tampering. EVMs are continuously used since 2004, in 2019 we have started using VVPAT at every polling booth. EVMs are sealed in the presence of political party agents," he further said, negating any chances of Electronic Voting Machines being manipulated by any political side.
With agency inputs