Mumbai: The Mumbai sessions court on Monday postponed Aryan Khan's bail plea for Wednesday. Advocate Amit Desai representing Aryan Khan has asked that his bail application hearing be scheduled for Wednesday. In reply, Special prosecutor Sethna from NCB's side has said, "As per Desai's submissions, his matter deserves priority. The other matters, their quantities are different. It will not be humanely possible for us to file replies to all applications. Let the matters start from the first produced."
A Special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) court in Mumbai will hear accused Aryan Khan and others' bail pleas on Wednesday.
On Friday, Aryan Khan's bail was denied by a Mumbai court. A Mumbai Magistrate court had on Thursday sent Aryan and seven others to judicial custody for 14 days.
Aryan was arrested and detained by the Narcotics Control Bureau during a raid conducted on a cruise ship on October 3.
After the Aryan's bail application was rejected on Friday, his mother Gauri Khan — wife of superstar Shah Rukh Khan — was seen crying inconsolably outside the court.
Aryan, along with Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha, was detained and eventually arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for allegedly attending a rave party on a luxury cruise ship.
Gauri Khan is seen in the video coming out of the Mumbai court where Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate R.M. Nerlikar had rejected the bail plea. She entered her car and broke down into tears.
Meanwhile actor Kangana Ranaut yesterday shared an Instagram post about Jackie Chan and reminded fans how the iconic star had publicly apologised after his son Jaycee was caught in a drugs scandal in 2014.
He said, "I am ashamed of son's act, this is my failure and I will not intervene to protect him" and after that, his son was jailed for six months.
Chan was sentenced to six months in state prison and served out his full sentence behind bars. Sharing the post, Kangana wrote, "#JustSaying".
Kangana had slammed those who had come forward to defend Aryan Khan. "Now all Mafia Pappu coming to Aaryan Khan's defence... We make mistakes but we mustn't glorify them ... I trust this will give him perspective and also make him realise the consequences of his actions... Hopefully, it can evolve him and make him better and bigger It's good not to gossip about someone when they are vulnerable but it's criminal to make them feel that they did no wrong .... #Word," she wrote in an Instagram story post.