New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party supremo Arvind Kejriwal was on Sunday elected as the party's National Convenor for the third consecutive term. In the National Executive meeting of the Aam Aadmi Party held today, Kejriwal's name was approved as the party convenor.
It is pertinent to note that in April 2016, Kejriwal was elected as the National Convenor of the party for the second time. In his second term as national convenor, he served for 3 years. But in view of the Lok Sabha elections in 2019 and the Delhi Assembly elections in 2020, Arvind Kejriwal's tenure was extended till 2020. In 2020, due to COVID-19, the meeting of the National Council of the Aam Aadmi Party could not be held.
In the meeting of the National Council held in January 2021, the party's constitution was amended. In this amendment, the tenure of the National Convenor was increased from 3 years to 5 years. The amendment made at that time was the compulsion to appoint the National Convenor upto two terms was abolished.
Also read: Kejrwial urges partymen to shun personal aspirations, assures posts for right people
It is to be noted that the 34 members of the party's National Executive who were elected in the National Council meeting held on Saturday approved Kejriwal's election as the party's national convenor.The National Executive of the party has the power to elect the party's national convenor.
This national executive re-elected Arvind Kejriwal as the National Convenor today morning. Now Arvind Kejriwal will be the National Convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party for the next 5 years. At this meeting of the National Executive, the party's National Secretary and the National Treasurer were also elected. While Pankaj Gupta was re-elected as the National Secretary of the Aam Aadmi Party, ND Gupta was re-elected for the post of the party's National Treasurer.