New Delhi: As per the Supreme Court's statistics released for the month of December, there are a total of 69,598 cases pending as of 1st December, 2022. Over 58,360 cases are ready for hearing as their all preliminaries are complete and 11,238 cases cannot be listed before the court as their preliminaries are not complete.
Over 488 cases pertaining to constitution bench are pending which include 338 before five judge bench, 15 before seven judge bench and 135 matters before nine judge bench.
At the starting of the year i.e as on 1st January, 2022, the total matters pending before the top court amounted to 70,239. The constitution bench matters came to 422 which have now increased to 488.
Since CJI U U Lalit had taken over, the constitution benches were given more importance and he had constituted constitution benches that would sit regularly every week on certain days. The system has continued even after CJI D Y Chandrachud took charge.