Kolkata: Trinamool Congress (TMC) Birbhum district president Anubrata Mondal was seen performing puja of Goddess Kali on Saturday at the CBI office in Kolkata's Nizam Palace. Known to be a religious person, Mondal woke up at 8 am and got engrossed in puja, CBI sources said. The TMC strongman, often accused by Opposition leaders of using muscle power to intimidate his political rivals was seen visibly upset following his arrest by the CBI in a cow smuggling case. However, CBI sources said that he had a sound sleep last night. After waking up Anubrata bowed to the Goddess and was heard chanting several mantras.
Also read: Amit Malviya warns TMC leaders to be alert, while TMC MP rubbishes his tweet
"He recited the mantras several times and sat silently at the makeshift arrangement he was provided with. He was then given a cup of red tea and only two sugar-free biscuits for breakfast," CBI sources said. Anubrata also called 'Keshto' in Bengal is known to be one of the most trusted poll managers of TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee. CBI sources said currently the sleuths are in the process of unravelling further details of the TMC leaders' alleged involvement in cow smuggling.