Amalapuram: Six days after large scale violence broke out in Amalapuram of Andhra Pradesh over the proposal to rename Konaseema to Dr BR Ambedkar, Internet services remain suspended on Tuesday causing huge inconvenience to the people. Internet services were suspended after large scale violence broke out amid opposition to the government circular of May 18 asking people to file objections to the proposal to rename Koanaseema after Dr BR Ambedkar.
The police in Amalapuram town of Andhra Pradesh have arrested scores of people in connection with Tuesday's large-scale violence in which the houses of a minister and MLA were set afire, a senior official said on Wednesday. The suspension of Internet services as a precautionary measure has added to the woes of the people, especially software employees.
Besides, digital services have been hit and traders are struggling to make financial transactions. Software employees have warned that the government should respond immediately and restore internet services, or else they will be forced to go on strike. Meanwhile, police have identified the posts on social media that triggered the violence on May 24 in the district.
Also read: 46 held for violence, additional forces rushed to Andhra town