Amaravati: The Andhra Pradesh state cabinet is scheduled to meet on April 7 ahead of a cabinet reshuffle. It is learned that Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy is likely to discuss the changes he is going to make in that meeting. Also, oral instructions have been received by the heads of government departments to prepare proposals for the agenda of the April 7 meeting. An official statement in this regard has also been sent to the Chief Secretary.
After the cabinet meeting, the Chief Minister is scheduled to meet Governor Bishwabhushan Harichandan on April 8. It has been learned that the Chief Minister is likely to submit to the Governor the list of ministers who are resigning as well as those who will be taken into the Cabinet and the rejig slated for April 11.
Also read: Andhra cabinet rejig soon, outgoing ministers will be given party responsibilities: CM Reddy