Kancheepuram: A 25-year-old youth from Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu has won praise from leading industrialist Anand Mahindra after making his portrait out of ancient Tamil letters with Mahindra saying he would like to place the art piece in his house in appreciation of the creator. The youth Ganesh on May 19 uploaded a 24-second video of making Mahindra's portrait and tagged the industrialist to know his reaction.
"Hey, Anand Mahindra, This is Ganesh, from Kanchipuram, I have drawn a pic of you with 741 Ancient Tamil letters. It's one of the first drawings of this kind. Would love to hear your opinion on this,” Ganesh captioned the video on Twitter. The video has so far garnered over 2.74 lakh views. Mahindra finally reacted to the art piece on Monday.
“Wow, my image is shaped like 741 ancient Tamil characters, I wonder. For the sake of the grandeur of the Tamil language, I would like to place a portrait in my house in appreciation of the creator,” he wrote in Tamil. Ganesh, born to Sundar and Murugammal has completed a diploma in civil engineering and has been working in a private industry.
He has had an interest in drawing since childhood and continues to exhibit his own talent by posting his drawings on Social media. Before Anand Mahindra, Ganesh has drawn Thiruvalluvar(Ancient Tamil Poet), Tamil Nadu Chief minister Stalin, Superstar Rajinikanth, Musician Ilayaraja and many more cinema celebrities in the recent past.
Ganesh while talking to ETV Bharat said that he is happy that Anand Mahindra saw the video and appreciated him. He also said that he was living in poverty and demanded that the government of Tamil Nadu should help him in employment in the field of painting.
Also read: Anand Mahindra lauds Tamilian youth for transforming auto-rickshaw into mobile home