New Delhi: BJP's IT cell head Amit Malviya alleged on Saturday evening that Trinamool Congress (TMC) Minister Akhil Giri had earlier made a similar racist comment on President Draupadi Murmu and he is a "repeat offender." The TMC minister's comment on the President had attracted widespread criticism from across political lines and brought disgrace to the ruling TMC government in West Bengal.
"Mamata Banerjee’s minister Akhil Giri is a repeat offender. Earlier, on 27th Oct also he made a similar disparaging comment against Smt Draupadi Murmu, President of India and Manoj Tigga, BJP Bengal’s Chief Whip in the Assembly, and a prominent Tribal leader. TMC hates Tribals," Amit Malviya tweeted posting a video of Giri's speech along with the tweet.
Meanwhile, BJP MP Locket Chatterjee filed a complaint with North Avenue PS against the derogatory remarks on President Droupadi Mumru by Akhil Giri. She has filed an FIR under relevant sections of the IPC and the SC-ST Act and has requested immediate action against the Minister. The BJP MP also demanded an explanation from West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's take on the incident. "Akhil Giri is a minister in her govt, she should sack him immediately. She should come to Delhi and apologise. They may say a lot about the SC-ST community in public but this is the actual sentiment of their ministers," Chatterjee said.