Ahmedabad: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Mann will begin their two-day visit to poll-bound Gujarat on Saturday. Both the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders will jointly address a public meeting at Dahod town in the tribal-dominated Dahod district on Saturday, the party's state general secretary Manoj Sorathiya said. Later in the day, they will participate in a 'Tiranga Yatra' in Vadodara city, he said.
On Sunday, they will address a public meeting at Dharampur in the tribal-dominated Valsad district, and then at Kadodara in the Surat district. During these two days, Kejriwal, who is AAP's national convener, and Mann will hold an important meeting with social and other leaders in the state to chalk out plans for the upcoming elections, Sorathiya added. Assembly elections in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled state are scheduled by the year-end. (PTI)