New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party on Friday held a protest against the Election Commission in Jammu on the Nirvachan Bhavan premises. The protest, headed by Aam Aadmi Party leader Harish Dev said the BJP-led government was inventing one excuse after another to deny people their democratic rights and to continue its proxy rule in Jammu and Kashmir.
He further alleged that though no initiative has been taken to install a popular government in Jammu and Kashmir, the administration seems to have been outsourced to bureaucrats, mostly from outside the Union Territory and having hardly any connection with the masses who are deprived of even the basic amenities.
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Democracy has been reduced to a farce in Jammu and Kashmir with the political process having been rendered defunct and political parties discredited and discouraged and opposition parties suppressed, he said. Singh, a former minister of the erstwhile state, said an elected government alone can deal with the obsequious challenges faced by Jammu and Kashmir.