Amroha (Uttar Pradesh): At least two people dead and 20 others were injured late on Monday night in a road accident in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha. The accident took place on the Delhi-Lucknow National Highway 9 of the district when a bus collided with a DCM van, which was parked on the roadside. According to sources, a potato-laden DCM van was standing near National Highway 9 in Jhanakpuri when a roadways bus carrying 60 passengers heading from Moradabad hit the vehicle. Two passengers died on the spot while 20 others sustained injuries. Meanwhile, six seriously injured passengers have been referred to Amroha for better treatment.
Also read: Death toll in UP hit-and-run accident rises to 10, truck driver held
Mandi Dhanaura CO Arun Kumar, said, "Late on Monday night, a roadways bus coming from Moradabad side on Delhi-Lucknow National Highway 9 dashed against the DCM van parked on the highway. On receiving information, the ambulance reached the spot and shifted the injured to the nearest hospital.