New Delhi: There are 1,673 vacant posts in the Central Bureau of Investigation, the Lok Sabha was informed on Wednesday. As on 30.11.2022, the sanctioned strength of personnel in CBI is 7,295 and the number of vacancies is 1,673 which includes 128 additional posts sanctioned in different categories issued vide order dated June 29, 2022, Union Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said in a written reply.
The occurrence of vacancies and their filling up is an ongoing process, he said. The number keeps on varying depending on the induction, promotion, retirement and repatriation of the officers, the minister said. Proactive efforts are made to ensure filling up of vacancies at all ranks expeditiously, he said.
"CBI requests various organisations, including public sector banks, Ministry of Home Affairs for sponsoring names for the posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and Inspector on deputation in CBI," Singh said. All central police organisations (CPOs)/state police/banks etc., are regularly requested to send nomination of officers/officials for deputation in the CBI, he said, mentioning the steps taken to fill up the vacant posts. (PTI)