Kolar (Karnataka): In a heinous incident that came to light on Sunday, a group of four men gang-raped a 14-year-old girl in the limits of Kamasamudra Police station in Kolar district of Karnataka. All the four accused have been arrested in this connection, as informed by the police official probing the matter on Sunday. The accused have been identified as Anand Kumar, Kantharaju, Praveen, and Venu.
The investigation has also revealed that three of the accused are masons and one is a bus driver. Based on the preliminary information, it has been confirmed that the victim is a student of Class 9. The police also informed that the girl was reportedly enraged at her parents for not buying her new clothes and chocolates on her birthday. To express her anger, the girl skipped school and boarded a bus to Bangarapet on Friday.
The miscreants, who saw her alone, spoke to her sweetly and took her to a park where they spent time till evening with her. Later in the evening, the accused took her to the Tanimadagu village in a private bus. On their way to the destination, the accused consumed liquor and gang-raped her in an isolated place. The villagers, who heard the screams of the girl, informed the Kamasamudra police about the incident. The police rushed to the spot and took the accused persons into custody.
The girl is currently undergoing treatment at a government hospital, while the police have registered a case against the accused under the POCSO Act.
Also read: Two men arrested in Chhattisgarh for abduction, gang-rape of a teenage girl