Hyderabad: WhatsApp is reportedly working on an AI feature that will allow users to create personalised characters within the app. This new feature, spotted by WABetaInfo, is similar to Instagram and Messenger's AI character creation feature. WABetaInfo claims that users can type prompts, describing personality traits and interests in the chatbox. The chatbot will use this information to create a character, complete with a bio and a profile picture. Moreover, WhatsApp is said to be developing a new tab to showcase AI characters.
WhatsApp AI Character Creation Feature
WABetaInfo is a dedicated publication that tracks and reports developments related to WhatsApp. It has now found the AI character creation feature inside the beta update for Android. As per the report, this AI feature is under development and unavailable for beta testing. Moreover, the tracker previously noticed a separate tab for AI characters in the beta update for Android.
📝 WhatsApp beta for Android what's new?
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 10, 2025
WhatsApp is working on a feature to create personalized AI chatbots, and it will be available in a future update!https://t.co/1pKF4HiT4g pic.twitter.com/a1zcExm92W
The AI character creation feature seems similar to the one present on Instagram and Messenger. This feature could likely use AI Studio to let users either create an avatar from scratch or make it from an existing template. Users can type up to 1,000 characters to describe their personalised chatbot and areas of interest. Moreover, at the bottom of the screen, WhatsApp could provide suggestions to offer users a starting point for their AI characters.
If this feature is similar to the ones present on Instagram and Messenger, then could likely include profile picture and bio generation along with selecting privacy details of the AI chatbot. Along with this feature, WhatsApp might also provide a sole tab for AI characters.
WhatsApp news of the week: new dedicated tab for AI-powered chats under development on Android!
— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 12, 2025
This weekly summary can help you catch up on our 7 stories about WhatsApp beta for Android, iOS, and Desktop!https://t.co/P4mycgeuZN pic.twitter.com/quVzW6W1hA
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