Hyderabad: Oppo launched the Find X8 series in India and globally last month. The company is now expected to expand the series with the launch of the Find X8 Ultra smartphone soon. A tipster has leaked several specifications of the device, amidst the speculations. The handset will arrive as the successor of the Find X7 Ultra and may feature a 6.82-inch 2K screen, an IP69 dust and water resistance rating, an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, and an X-axis haptic motor.
Oppo Find X8 Ultra: Leaked Specifications
Oppo Find X8 Ultra specifications were leaked by tipster Digital Chat Station on Chinese social media platform Weibo. As per the tip, the Oppo Find X8 Ultra may include a 6.82-inch 2K quad-curve display with an ultrasonic fingerprint sensor placed under the display. It may come with an IP68 + IP69 rating for dust and water resistance, with the ability to withstand high pressure on the latter rating.
Furthermore, the device may be powered by a 6,000mAh battery that supports 80W or 90W fast charging. It may also include Oppo's Imaging Technology and feature an X-axis vibration motor.
Oppo Find X8 Ultra: Other Expected Specifications
As per previous leaks, the Oppo Find X8 Ultra may run on Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 8 Elite processor and is speculated to have a spectral red maple primary colour camera which is similar to the Huawei Mate 70 series-- with a 50MP primary sensor, a 50MP ultra-wide sensor, a 50MP periscope telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom, and a 50MP periscope telephoto lens with 6x optical zoom.
Furthermore, the phone might have a 120Hz refresh rate display and is expected to launch in the first quarter of 2025 along with the Oppo Find N5.