Hyderabad: Apple has announced a free repair program for iPhone 14 Plus models to fix an issue with their rear camera. According to the company, some units of the device, made over a 12-month period -- from April 10, 2023, to April 28, 2024 -- may face a problem where it doesn't show an image preview.
If your iPhone 14 Plus unit is one of the affected models, you can take the device to an authorised service centre to get it repaired for free. To check if your device is eligible for the repair program, you need to head over to Apple's support page and enter your phone's serial number. Following is a step-by-step process to check your device's eligibility:
1) First of all, you need to find your phone's serial number, for which you need to go to Settings > General > About. Here, you can see the serial number of your iPhone 14 Plus. Long press this number to copy it to your clipboard.
2) Now you need to go to Apple's support page by clicking here and then enter your device's serial number in the field. You can long press and hold on to the box to paste the copied digits.
The following screen will inform you whether your iPhone 14 Plus is eligible for the free repair program. Apple's repair program covers eligible iPhone 14 Plus units for three years from the date of purchase, giving users ample time to get their devices repaired. If you have already paid for the same repair on your iPhone 14 Plus, you can request a refund if your device is eligible for the program.
Notably, certain things can still stop Apple from repairing your camera. For instance, if you have a cracked rear glass, you would be required to first get that repaired before Apple fixes the camera issue. So, while your camera repair will be free of cost, the service centre will charge you for these additional issues.