Kochi: Three women who went missing on Thursday in the forest in Kuttampuzha near Ernakulam were rescued early Friday morning. Maya Jayan, Parukutty, and Darli, who went missing after entering the forest in search of a cow, were found in an area called Arakkamuthi, six kilometres into the forest. The DFO confirmed that all three are safe.
The women, who had gone to the forest in search of a cow, got scared and got lost in the forest after seeing wild elephants. A team of fifty people had conducted an intensive search for them.
The search was started in four teams. However, two of these teams had returned without finding the women. Two teams continued in the forest.
Drone inspections were also conducted inside the forest. The women had gone to the forest on Thursday in search of the cow that went missing on Wednesday. Although the cow had returned, the women were still trapped in the forest.
A woman named Maya had informed her husband on her mobile phone that they had run away after seeing a herd of elephants while returning after finding the cow.
However, they could not be contacted on the phone later. The search was conducted by checking the phone location. The rescue operation was led by Forest Department Range Officer R. Sanjeev Kumar and Kuttampuzha Police SHO P. A. Faisal.