Hyderabad: BJP National General Secretary and MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Wednesday alleged that poor women involved in organising festivities on the eve of Holi were attacked at Chengicharla here by anti-social elements. Sanjay Kumar, who visited Changicherla where the clash occurred between members of two groups belonging to different communities on the eve of Holi, alleged police high-handedness against the women and others.
He alleged an attempt by police and government to portray as if the residents of the locality were at fault. "The programme (with devotional songs) was going on that day. Some persons related to Rohingyas came and asked it to be stopped. It was stopped. Problem was solved. Even then about 300 to 500 of those related to Rohingya and anti-social elements came and attacked them. Who was at fault. Who came," he told reporters.
The "attackers" came to the place where Holi was being celebrated, he alleged. He demanded action against police officers who behaved in a high-handed manner. Members of two groups belonging to different communities clashed and pelted stones at each other following arguments over "playing loud music" near a religious place at Chengicherla on the city's outskirts, police said on Monday.
Mild tension prevailed in the area on Sunday evening after a scuffle broke out between the two groups, in which four persons suffered minor injuries as the police dispersed the crowd.