Gorakhpur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday directed officials to address public issues with urgency and empathy while warning that negligence of any kind in redressal of people's grievances would not be tolerated.
The directives were issued during the CM's Janata Darshan held outside Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan in the Gorakhnath Temple complex here, according to an official statement. The chief minister listened to the grievances of around 150 individuals during the Janata Darshan.
"Adityanath stressed the importance of prompt, transparent and satisfactory resolution of all issues faced by citizens, reiterating that addressing public concerns is the top priority of the government," the statement said. The chief minister also forwarded applications submitted by citizens to the concerned officials and assured them of swift action and timely justice.
Emphasising a zero-tolerance policy towards injustice, Adityanath directed officials to adopt a sensitive and proactive approach in assisting victims, particularly in cases of illegal land encroachments or exploitation of vulnerable individuals while ensuring strict legal action against the perpetrators.
Several individuals sought financial assistance for medical treatment during the Janata Darshan and were promised full support by the chief minister who instructed officials to expedite the estimation process for treatment-related expenses to ensure timely aid. Adityanath arrived in Gorakhpur on Monday afternoon and stayed overnight at the Gorakhnath Temple.