Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Police claimed to have arrested the son of a retired inspector for allegedly extorting money from people using fake social media accounts created in the name of the Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar.
The accused, Amit Kumar, was apprehended by Cyber Thana Police following complaints alleging that some people were demanding money using social media.
The initial probe by the police revealed that the Saharanpur native had created fake social media accounts, including Instagram and YouTube, to extort money under the premise of collecting donations for the survivors of the gas tanker disaster in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
According to police, Kumar would issue QR codes and ask for people’s help for the survivors of the tragedy. After receiving complaints, the cyber police began a manhunt for him and apprehended him on a tipoff. Kumar allegedly admitted to the wrongdoing in custody, saying he had obtained about Rs 80,000 through deception.
The investigators told the media that Kumar's father is a retired sub-inspector, while one of his brothers is currently serving in the UP Police and posted in the Hathras district.
They further said that Kumar is an ITI pass-out and was earning his livelihood through farming. In 2022, he thought of using fake identities on Instagram to gain popularity and extort money. Initially, the account failed to gain followers, but when he posted photos from the official X handle of the DGP, it gained 67,000 followers.
“Kumar’s arrest was possible via surveillance and thorough investigation. The case demonstrates how extortion via fake social media profiles and cybercrime is becoming increasingly prevalent in India,” said Inspector Brijesh Yadav.
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