Mirzapur: A headmaster of a primary government school in Uttar Pradesh's Mirzapur district has been accused of thrashing a class 5 student and forcing students to study Urdu, police said. Investigations have been launched by both the state education department and police after parents lodged a complaint against the headmaster on Sunday.
The incident took place at Mahugarh primary school in Mirzapur. Students of the school have alleged that the headmaster, Mabud Alam, forces them to study Urdu and does not provide a proper mid-day meal.
Satyam, a class 5 student, complained to his father, Dayashankar Singh, that the school headmaster thrashed him for playing on the campus. Satyam's parents went to school to raise the issue but were sent away. After which, his father filed a complaint at Halia police station demanding action against the headmaster.
In his complaint, Dayashankar said that when he tried to confront the headmaster, the latter threatened him. He alleged that children are being forced to study Urdu and demanded that the headmaster be transferred from the school.
On March 2, while the children were playing cricket during lunch break, the ball was snatched away by the headmaster. He asked the children to return to their class. After some time, Satyam started playing with his bat in the school premise. Seeing this, the headmaster allegedly slapped Satyam and snatched his bat before sending him back to class. After returning home, Satyam narrated the incident to his parents.
When the parents went to complain against the incident, an altercation rose with the school authorities. Parents also alleged that Urdu is being forcibly taught to the children.
Halia police station in-charge Vishnu Prabha Singh said that the student's father had registered a complaint on March 3. "The education department officials and the headmaster have been informed about it. Following investigation, action will be taken against the headmaster," Singh said.
Meanwhile, students staged a demonstration in the school premises against the headmaster.
The headmaster of the school, Mabud Alam, said that children were playing during school hours and when the teacher refused, they agreed to return to their classes. A child however took out his bat and started playing so the bat was snatched away, he said.
BSA Anil Kumar Verma said that the Block Education Officer is investigating the matter and action will be taken accordingly.
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