Bharatpur: Three people who were cleaning a septic tank in the Nagla Mai village died on the wee hours of Thursday after inhaling toxic gases while two others who rushed to the spot to rescue them fainted and have been hospitalised. The deceased have been identified as Akash (25), Karan (25) and Tikam Chand alias Bholu and those admitted for treatment are Inder Singh and Naresh.
Police have taken cognisance of the matter and sent the three bodies to RBM Hospital mortuary and is investigating the deaths. Panic has spread in the village after the news of the deaths came to light.
Lakhanpur police station Assistant Sub-Inspector, Shrilal said that the trio had gone to Nagla Mai village around 6 AM to clean a septic tank.
Although they started the cleaning work with a bucket, the debris was not moving out. In order to solve this issue, a person was lowered into the tank with a sieve but was unable to clean it. As soon as he began to walk out, his feet slipped off the sieve and he fell into the tank.
Two more friends went down into the tank to save him, but they too fell unconscious after inhaling the poisonous gas. In the end five of them fell unconscious one after the other in the tank. The incident created panic in the entire village and a JCB was summoned to rescue the five who were then taken out of the tank and rushed to the RBM Hospital.
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